10 August 2005
Sex and stress: linked right from the start

Sex and stress: linked right from the start

Stress may turn humans off but it seems that, at least in algae, sex may have evolved as a response to stressful conditions

‘Hangover gene’ is key to alcohol tolerance

A gene that helps fruit flies develop alcohol tolerance has been found, and named “hangover” – there may be an equivalent gene in humans 18:24 10 August 2005

Solar system's first triple asteroid system found

The two moons circle Sylvia in the same plane and in the same direction, suggesting they are probably detritus from a collision 18:00 10 August 2005

Remote-controlled humans enhance immersive games

It may sound a bizarre prospect, but researchers hope to harness the trick for computer games that put the ‘reality’ into virtual reality 17:06 10 August 2005

Pocket-sized computer 'soul' developed

A powerful virtual computer that fits on a key ring personalises any PC to the user’s liking, and stores work when transferring between computers 13:46 10 August 2005

Astronomers unravel cosmic explosion mystery

Unprecedented observations at gamma-ray, X-ray, optical and radio wavelengths help astronomers close in on the source of short gamma-ray bursts 12:58 10 August 2005

Invention: Phone-bomb hijacking

18:28 09 August 2005

Mars rover Spirit hits pay dirt

16:46 09 August 2005

Invention: Phone-bomb hijacking

This week's inventions include a system for commandeering cellphones to stop them being used to trigger bombs, software that removes the gaps in VoIP calls and a hacker trap that constantly changes identity
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Solar system's first triple asteroid system found

The two moons circle Sylvia in the same plane and in the same direction, suggesting they are probably detritus from a collision

Gyro glitch delays new Mars probeVideo

Astronomers unravel cosmic explosion mystery

Super-cold X-ray instrument loses its cool


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