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PST'05:Author Instructions

Third Annual Conference on
Privacy, Security and Trust

Author Instructions

Before submission, please read the following instructions:

General Instructions

High-quality papers in all Privacy. Security and Trust related areas are solicited. Research papers submitted to PST’05 must consist of original contributions (that is, not previously published and not currently being considered for publication elsewhere) and must contain a clear statement of the problem addressed and the context in which it arises. Papers must also contain appropriate references to prior work and must indicate what contribution the work makes to the fields of Privacy, Security and Trust. Papers exploring new directions or areas will receive a careful and supportive review. All submitted papers will be reviewed on the basis of technical quality, relevance, significance, and clarity.

Papers can be no longer than 12 pages for long papers and 4 pages for short papers. Over-length papers will be charged at the rate of Cdn $100 per page for at most 2 pages.

Note that PST’05 will accept ONLY on-line submissions, containing only pdf version. Once you have submitted your paper, you will be sent an E-mail indicating if our processes can print your pdf formatted paper. Please allow time for this process to be completed. It is the responsibility of authors to ensure that their papers use no unusual format features and are printable on a standard Postscript printer. All pdf paper submissions must arrive by 5:00pm Atlantic time, July 1, 2005. Hardcopy or electronic copy in other formats will not be accepted.

Content guidelines

Download Templates : A Word template giving the required PST Conference paper format can be downloaded here. Instructions for LaTeX users can be downloaded here. Additional information for authors can be found here. All correspondence with authors will be through email.

All research paper submissions must include a set of keywords that describe the contents of the paper. These keywords must appear after the Abstract and before the Introduction.

Student papers

Best Student Paper Award: The best paper awards will be conferred on the authors of the best papers at the conference. Award will be given to the student author(s) of the best student authored paper (or split between more than one paper if there is a tie). A paper is eligible if the work presented in the paper is primarily the work of a student (or students) who are full-time students at the time of submission. Eligibility for this award is indicated during the paper submission process. The ranking of student papers to determine the winner is based on four equal parts of (a) significance of the research, (b) clarity of the written paper, (c) clarity of the presentation, and (d) reviewers' average ranking. The paper must be presented by a student (or students) to be eligible for the award. The program committee's decision will be final with respect to best paper selection.

Submission process

(Paper submission due: May 1, 2005)

  • Prepare a paper according to the Word template located here, or according to the LaTeX instructions located here.
  • Convert your document to a postscript display format (pdf) file. If you cannot create a pdf file from Word, or your word processor, you can install Adobe Acrobat or Pdf995 (free). LaTeX on UNIX users can use the "dvipdf" command to convert the dvi file generated by LaTeX to pdf. Please make sure that no Asian fonts are included in your pdf file.
  • Make sure your pdf file prints satisfactorily on 8.5 inch by 11 inch paper. This is especially important for submissions from countries where A4 paper is standard.
  • Papers must be no more than 12 pages (long papers) and 4 pages (short papers).
  • Create an author account, login and submit your paper online. Program Committee members will have their login details emailed to them on the opening day of reviews.
  • You can resubmit your paper at any time up to the submission deadline. Please use the same filename (lastname_firstInitial.pdf) for the attached pdf file for each resubmission. We will treat the last submission received before the deadline as your final paper submission.
  • Around May 6, 2005 the authors will be notified that their paper has been forwarded for the review.
  • Once the paper goes through the review process and is accepted for the inclusion in the PST’05 proceedings, the authors will be notified about the final steps of submitting the camera-ready papers and the copyright forms.

Selected papers will be published in Computational Intelligence, an International Journal, January 2006, after expansion and/or revision.


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