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Curriculum Vitae

- Van Lantz -



Mail: Faculty of Forestry and Env. Mngt.

University of New Brunswick

Fredericton, NB, CANADA

E3B 6C2


Work Phone #: (506) 458-7775

Fax #: (506) 453-4514


Jan 3, 2022




o   2001. Ph.D. in Economics, Simon Fraser University.

o   1996. M.A in Economics, Dalhousie University.

o   1994. B.A in Economics, Carleton University.




o   2012-present: Professor, University of New Brunswick. Joint position with the Faculty of Forestry & Environmental Management, and Department of Economics.

o   2012-present: Adjunct Professor. Faculty of Forestry, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.

o   2006-2012: Associate Professor, University of New Brunswick. Joint position with the Faculty of Forestry & Environmental Management, and Department of Economics.

o   2000-2006: Assistant Professor, University of New Brunswick. Joint position with the Faculty of Forestry & Environmental Management, and Department of Economics.

o   1999-2000: Instructor, University of British Columbia, Dept. of Economics.

o   1998-2000. Instructor, Simon Fraser University, Dept. of Economics.

o   1997-1998. Lecturer, Yang-en University (China), Dept. of Business and Economics.




o   2021-present: Acting Associate Vice-President Academic, Learning Environment, UNB.

o   2014-present (on-leave): Dean, Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Management, UNB.

o   2010-present: Associate Editor, Forestry Chronicle. Academic journal published by the Canadian Institute of Forestry.

o   2015/20/21/22. Chief Negotiator. UNBs full-time faculty member Collective Agreement.

o   2013-14: Acting Dean, Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Management, UNB.

o   2013: Acting Assistant Dean, Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Management, UNB.

o   2008-12: Director, Bachelors of Science in Environment and Natural Resources (BScENR) Program, Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Management, UNB.

o   2001-10: Coordinator, Inter-disciplinary Environmental Studies (Major and Minor) Programs, UNB.




o   2006. Harrison McCain Young Scholar Award, University of New Brunswick.

o   2000. President's PhD Research Stipend, Simon Fraser University.

o   1996-2000. University Scholarship, Simon Fraser University.

o   1996 and 1999. Graduate Fellowship, Simon Fraser University.




o   Courses taught:

o   Environmental Economics I (ECON 3755)

o   Environmental Economics II (ECON 5755/6755)

o   Climate Change Economics (ECON 3766)

o   Forest Economics (FOR 3101)




Journal Articles:


Sharma, C., V. Lantz, P. Withey, G. McMonagle, T.O. Ochuodho (2021). Economic and CO2 impacts of alternative power sources for electricity generation by 2040 in New Brunswick, Canada. Journal of Cleaner Production (accepted).


Withey, P, C. Sharma, V. Lantz, G. McMonagle, T.O. Ochuodho (2021). Economic and CO2 impacts of carbon taxes and output-based pricing in New Brunswick, Canada: a CGE modeling approach. Applied Economics (in press) DOI: 10.1080/00036846.2021.2001422


Liu, E.Y., S. Li, V. Lantz, E. Olale (2019). Impacts of crop rotation and tillage practices on potato yield and farm revenue. Agronomy Journal 11(4): 1838-1848.


Liu, E., V. Lantz, D. MacLean, C. Hennigar (2019). Economics of early intervention to suppress a potential spruce budworm outbreak on Crown land in New Brunswick, Canada. Forests 10(6): 481-505.


Olale, E., E. Yiridoe, T. Ochuodho, V. Lantz (2019). The effect of a carbon tax on farm income. Environmental and Resource Economics 74(2): 605-623.


Withey, P., D. Sullivan, V. Lantz (2019). Willingness to pay for protection from storm surge damages under climate change in Halifax Regional Municipality. Journal of Environmental Management 241: 44-52.


Trenholm, R., T. Anderson, V. Lantz, W. Haider (2019). Transfers of landowner willingness to accept: a convergent validity test using choice experiments in three Canadian watersheds. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 67:171-192.


Withey, P., VA Lantz, T. Ochuodho, MN Patriquin, J. Wilson, M. Kennedy (2018). Economic impacts of conservation area strategies in southern Alberta, Canada: a CGE model analysis. Journal of Forest Economics 33: 33-40.


Ochuodho, T., E. Olale, V. Lantz, J. Armali (2018). Environmental Kuznets Curve model for greenhouse gas emissions in Canada. Journal of Cleaner Production 184: 859-868.


Millard, R., P. Withey, V. Lantz, T.O. Ochuodho (2017). The general equilibrium costs and impacts of oil price shocks in Newfoundland and Labrador. Energy Economics 68: 192-198


Nebel, S., J. Brick, V. Lantz, R. Trenholm (2017). Which factors contribute to environmental behaviour of landowners in southwestern Ontario, Canada? Environmental Management 60(3): 454-463.


Trenholm, R., V. Lantz, D. Knowler, P. Haegeli, W. Haider (2017). Landowner preferences for wetlands conservation programs in two Southern Ontario watersheds. Journal of Environmental Management 200: 6-21.


Ochuodho, T.O., V.A Lantz, E. Olale (2016). A computable general equilibrium analysis of export tax and quota option choices under the 2006 softwood lumber agreement between Canada and the United States. Forest Science 62(6) 679-689.


Brick, J., S. Nebel, V. Lantz, R. Trenholm (2016). Declining education levels in young male farmers in southwestern Ontario. Agricultural & Environmental Letters 1: 1-4. doi:10.2134/ael2016.02.0005.


Withey, P., V. Lantz, T. Ochuodho (2016). Economic costs and impacts of climate-induced sea-level rise and storm surge in Canadian coastal Provinces: a CGE approach. Applied Economics 48(1): 59-71.


Price, J., B. McFarlane, V. Lantz (2016). Wildfire risk mitigation and recreational property owners in Cypress Hills Interprovincial Park-Alberta. Forestry Chronicle 92(1): 66-76.


Corbett, L.J., P. Withey, V.A. Lantz, T. O. Ochuodho (2016). The economic impact of the mountain pine beetle infestation in British Columbia: provincial estimates from a CGE analysis. Forestry 89: 100-105.


Ochuodho, T., V. Lantz (2016). Economic impacts of climate change considering individual, additive, and simultaneous changes in agriculture and forest sectors in Canada: A dynamic, multi-regional CGE model analysis. Forest Policy and Economics 63: 43-51.


Ochuodho, T., V. Lantz (2015). Economic impacts of climate change on agricultural crops in Canada by 2051: A global multi-regional CGE model analysis. Environmental Economics 6(1): 113-125.


Wu, Y.Q., Y.H. Weng, C. Hennigar, M.S. Fullarton, V. Lantz (2015). Benefit-cost analysis of a white spruce clonal seed orchard in New Brunswick, Canada. New Forests 46: 141-156.


Ochuodho, T., E. Olale, V. Lantz, J. Damboise, J.L. Daigle, F.R. Meng, S. Li, T.L. Chow (2014). How do soil and water conservation practices influence the impacts of climate change on potato production? Evidence from New Brunswick, Canada. Regional Environmental Change 14(4): 1563-1574.


Lantz, V., W-Y Chang, C. Pharo (2014). Benefit-cost analysis of hybrid willow crop production on agricultural land in PEI: assessing opportunities for on-farm and off-farm bioenergy use. Biomass and Bioenergy 63: 257-267.


Ochuodho, T., V. Lantz (2014). Economic impacts of climate change in the forest sector: a comparison of single-region and multi-region CGE modeling frameworks. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 44: 449-464.


Lantz, V., P.C. Boxall, M. Kennedy, J. Wilson (2013). The valuation of wetland conservation in an urban/peri urban watershed. Regional Environmental Change 13: 939-953.


Ochuodho, T., E. Olale, V. Lantz, J. Damboise, T.L. Chow, F.R. Meng, J.L. Daigle (2013). Impacts of soil and water conservation practices on potato yield in northwestern New Brunswick, Canada. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 68(5): 392-400.


Trenholm, R., V. Lantz, R. Martinez-Espineira, S. Little (2013). A benefit-cost analysis of riparian preservation in an Eastern Canadian watershed. Journal of Environmental Management 116 (15), 81-94.


Ochuodho, T., V. Lantz, P. Loyd-Smith, and P. Benitez (2012). Economic impacts of climate change and adaptation in Canadian forests: a CGE modeling analysis. Forest Policy and Economics 25: 100-12.


Wilson, J., V. Lantz, D.A. MacLean (2012). The social benefits of increasing protected natural areas: an Eastern Canadian case-study using the contingent valuation method. Forestry 85(4): 531-538.


Chang, Y., V. Lantz, C. Hennigar, D. MacLean (2012). Economic impacts of forest pests: a case study of spruce budworm outbreaks and control in New Brunswick, Canada. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 42: 490-505.


Martinez-Espineira, R., and V. Lantz (2012). Environmental Kuznets curves for bird abundance in Canada: an examination of alternative regression models using panel data. International Journal of Ecological Economics and Statistics 27(4): 1-14.


Chang, Y., V. Lantz, C. Hennigar, D. MacLean (2012). Benefit-cost analysis of spruce budworm (Choristoneura fumiferana Clem.) control: incorporating market and non-market values. Journal of Environmental Management 93(1): 104-12.


Lantz, V., R. Trenholm, J. Wilson, W. Richards (2012). Assessing market and non-market costs of freshwater flooding due to climate change in the community of Fredericton, Eastern Canada. Climatic Change 110: 347-372.


Chang, Y., V. Lantz, D. MacLean (2011). Social benefits of controlling forest insect outbreaks: a contingent valuation analysis in two Canadian provinces. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 59(3): 383-404.


Wilson, J., V. Lantz, D.A. MacLean (2010). A benefit-cost analysis of protected natural areas in New Brunswick, Canada. Forest Policy and Economics 12(2): 94-103.


Slaney, G.L, V. Lantz, and D.A. MacLean (2010). Assessing costs and benefits of pest management on forested landbases in eastern and western Canada. Journal of Forest Economics 16(1): 19-34.


Slaney, G.L, V. Lantz, and D.A. MacLean (2009). The economics of carbon sequestration through pest management: application to forested landbases in New Brunswick and Saskatchewan, Canada. Forest Policy and Economics 11: 525-534.


Chang, Y., V. Lantz, D.A. MacLean (2009). Public attitudes about forest pest outbreaks and control options: Case studies in two Canadian provinces. Forest Ecology and Management 257(4): 1333-1343.


Lantz, V. (2008). Valuing forest outputs. Forestry Chronicle 84(4): 511-514.


Patriquin, M., V. Lantz, R. Stedman, B. White (2008). Working together: a reciprocal wood flow arrangement to mitigate the economic impacts of natural disturbance. Forestry 81(2): 227-242.


Lantz, V., R. Martinez-Espineira (2008). Testing the environmental Kuznets curve hypothesis with bird populations as habitat-specific environmental indicators: evidence from Canada. Conservation Biology 22(2): 428-438.


Kennedy, M., T. Beckley, V. Lantz (2007). Expanding socio-economic considerations in the management of New Brunswick Crown Land forests. Forestry Chronicle 83(5): 708-713.


Kennedy, M., V. Lantz, D.A. MacLean (2007). Forest and economic impacts of alternative management strategies on Crown land in New Brunswick. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 37: 2624-2636.


McComb, G., V. Lantz, R. Rittmaster, K. Nash (2006). International valuation databases: overview, methods and operational issues. Ecological Economics 60(2): 461-472.


Lantz, V., Q Feng (2006). Income, population, and technology impacts on CO2 emissions in Canada: where is the EKC? Ecological Economics 57(2): 229-238.


Lantz, V., D. Murrell (2005). Climate change plans for Canada: a full net present value framework for evaluating options at the provincial level. Canadian Journal of Regional Science 28(1): 1-18.


Lantz, V. (2005). Measuring scale, technology, and price impacts on value-added across Canadian forest industry sectors. Forest Policy and Economics 7(3): 333-344.


Lantz, V. (2004). An examination of value-added and variable cost trends across Canadian forest regions and sectors. Forestry Chronicle 80(5): 718-726.


Lantz, V., Y. Yigezu (2003). An economic impact analysis of market and policy changes in a New Brunswick Fundy Model Forest community. Forestry Chronicle 79(5): 957-966.


Lantz, V. (2002). Is there an Environmental Kuznets Curve for clearcutting in Canadian forests? Journal of Forest Economics 8(3): 199-212.


Conference Papers and Proceedings:


Liu, E., Lantz, V., MacLean, D., Hennigar, C. (2018). Economics of early intervention to suppress a potential spruce budworm outbreak in New Brunswick. In: Proc. Annual Atlantic Canadian Economics Association Conference. Oct 12-14, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB.


Liu, E., Lantz, V., MacLean, D. (2016). Economic impacts of early intervention to suppress a spruce budworm outbreak in northern New Brunswick. In: Proc. 8th Eastern Canada/US Forest Science Conference. Sept 30 - Oct 1, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT.


MacLean, D.A., J. Iqbal, W-Y. Chang, C. Hennigar, and V.A. Lantz (2012). Protection Planning System (PROPS) Enhancements - 2011. Pp. 147-155. In: Proc. SERG International 2012 Workshop. Feb. 7-9, 2012, Quebec City, QC.


Chang, W.Y., V.A. Lantz, C.R. Hennigar, D.A. MacLean (2010). Benefit-cost analysis of spruce budworm control on Crown land in New Brunswick: incorporating market and non-market values. In: Canadian Resource and Environmental Economics Association Papers and Proceedings 20: 25 pp. (Also In: Proc. SERG International 2011 Workshop. Feb. 8-10, Victoria, BC.)


MacLean, D.A., C.R. Hennigar, W.Y. Chang, J. Iqbal, V. Lantz (2009). Protection Planning System (PROPS) enhancements. Pp. 184-188. In: Proc. SERG International 2009 Workshop. Feb. 10-12, 2009, Winnipeg, MB.


Lantz, V. (2008). What is the economic value of riparian areas to the producer and to society? P. 28. In: Proc. Eastern Canada Soil and Water Conservation Center Workshop on Agricultural Riparian Health. March 5-6, Moncton, NB.


Hennigar, C.R., W.Y. Chang, J.J. Gullison, D.A. MacLean, V. Lantz (2008). Economic benefits of optimized foliage protection and harvest planning to minimize losses to budworm and area sprayed. P. 41. In: Proc. SERG International Workshop. Feb. 18-20, Halifax, NS.


Slaney, G.L., D.A. MacLean, V. Lantz, K.B. Porter (2008). Cost effectiveness of pest management investments in Saskatchewan: expanding PROPS to include costs, product value and carbon. P. 48. In: Proc. SERG International Workshop. Feb. 18-20, Halifax, NS.


Slaney, G.L., D.A. MacLean, V. Lantz, K.B. Porter (2007). Cost effectiveness of pest management investments in New Brunswick: expanding PROPS to include costs, product value and carbon. In: Proc. SERG International Workshop. P. 49. Feb. 12-16, Quebec City, QC.


Lantz, V. (2006). Testing the environmental Kuznets curve hypothesis using bird populations as habitat-specific environmental indicators. In: Canadian Resource and Environmental Economics Association Papers and Proceedings, 16: 26 pp.


Slaney, G.L, V. Lantz, D.A MacLean (2006). Expanding the spruce budworm decision support system to include aerial spray costs and carbon. P. 38. In: Towards a Sustainable Bioeconomy: Biosphere Solutions for Energy and the Environment. BIOCAP Canada Conference Proceedings, Oct. 31- Nov. 1, Ottawa, ON.


Lantz, V., G. Slaney (2005). An evaluation of environmental valuation databases around the world. In: Proc. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency International Conference on Benefits Transfer and Environmental Databases, March 21-22, Washington, DC.


Lantz, V., D. Murrell (2003). Moving from economic efficiency toward regional economic equity: climate change plan for Canada. In: Atlantic Canadian Economics Association Papers, 32: 22pp.


Lantz, V., M. Kennedy (2003). Examining employment trends in the Canadian forest industry: is there a sustainability issue? In: Atlantic Canadian Economics Association Conference Papers, 32: 25 pp.


Lantz, V., Y. Yigezu (2002). Economic Impacts of Market and Policy changes in a New Brunswick Fundy Model Forest community: a general equilibrium analysis. In: Atlantic Canadian Economics Association Conference Papers 31: 21 pp.


Lantz, V. (2001). A value-added analysis of the Canadian forest industry. In: Atlantic Canadian Economics Association Conference Papers 30: 20 pp.



Other Publications and Reports:


Lantz, V., G. McMonagle, C. Hennigar, C. Sharma, P. Withey, T. Ochuodho (2021). Forest succession, management and the economy under a changing climate: coupling forest management and CGE models to assess impacts and adaptation options. Report prepared for Natural Resource Canada, Climate Change Adaptation Program. Ottawa. 53 pgs.


NRCan (2021). Canada in a changing climate: advancing our knowledge for action (Atlantic Canada Chapter). Natural Resources Canada Report, Ottawa, ON. (contributing author)


Lantz, V., L. Comeau, C. Hennigar, S. Lamb (2018). The role of carbon offsets in the NB economy. Report prepared for the NB Dept. of Environment and Local Government Environmental Trust Fund. Fredericton, NB.


Emery, H. V. Lantz, A. OPray, N. Scott, A. Hache (2017). Meeting the Federal Requirement for a Price on Carbon: Which Approach is right for New Brunswick? Symposium report prepared for the New Brunswick Business Council, Fredericton, NB


Lantz, V. (2013). Cost-benefit analysis of flow diversion terraces in the Black Brook watershed: accounting for private and public values. Report prepared for the Eastern Canadian Soil and Water Conservation Center Grand Falls, NB.


Lantz, V., T.O. Ochuodho, E. Olale, J. Damboise, T.L. Chow, F. Meng, J.L. Daigle. (2013). Using sample plot data to assess the impacts of soil and water conservation practices on potato yields in Northwestern New Brunswick, Canada. Report prepared for the Eastern Canadian Soil and Water Conservation Center Grand Falls, NB.


Trenholm, R., T. Anderson, V. Lantz, W. Haider (2012). Landowner views on wetland enhancement and restoration in and adjacent the Credit River watershed. Report prepared for Credit Valley Conservation, Mississauga, ON.


Lantz, V., T. Anderson, L. Johnston (2012). A survey of farmer perspectives on the PEI ALUS program. Report prepared for the Linking Environment & Agriculture Research Network, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB.


Johnston, L., and V. Lantz (2012). An Assessment of Prince Edward Islands Alternative Land Use Services (ALUS) program, 2008-2011. Report Prepared for the PEI Department of Agriculture and Forestry, Charlottetown, PE.


Lantz, V., W-Y. Chang (2012). Cost-benefit analysis of willow production as an on-farm source of renewable energy in PEI. Report Prepared for Agriculture and Agri-food Canada, Ottawa, ON.


Lloyd-Smith, P., and V. Lantz (2011). Nutrient reduction strategies for wastewater treatment facilities for Lake Winnipeg: cost-benefit analysis using an ecological goods and services approach. Research Report prepared for Environment Canada, Gatineau, QU.


Lantz, V., P.C. Boxall, M. Kennedy, J. Wilson (2010). Valuing wetland services in southern Ontarios Credit River watershed using the contingent valuation method. Research Report prepared for Credit Valley Conservation, Mississauga, ON.


Lantz, V. (2010). Economic contributions of salmon fishing camps along the Restigouche River in Eastern Canada. Research Report prepared for the Restigouche River Camp Owners Association, Restigouche County, NB.


Lloyd-Smith, P., P. Benitez, V. Lantz, and T. Ochuodho (2010). Costing climate impacts and adaptation: a Canadian study on the forest sector. Research Report prepared for the National Roundtable on the Environment and Economy, Ottawa, ON.


Lantz, V., T. Ochuodho (2010). Estimating the impact of changes in timber supplies on the Canadian economy. Research Report prepared for Environment Canada, Gatineau, QU.


MacLean, D.A., L.J. Amos-Binks, C.R. Hennigar, E.T. Neilson, G.L. Slaney, P.A. Arp, V.A. Lantz, F.R. Meng (2010). Forest and pest management strategies for carbon sequestration in forests and forest products. Sustainable Forest Management Network Research Note Series #64, Edmonton, AB


Lantz, V., Fred Cheverie, Ron DeHaan, Cindy Crane, Barry Thompson, Yefang Jiang, Murray Rudd, Ryan Trenholm, Shauna Mellish, Garry Gregory, Shawn Hill, and Bruce Raymond (2009). PEI ecological goods and services pilot project: final report. Research Report prepared for the Souris & Area Branch of the PEI Wildlife Federation, Souris, PEI.


Patriquin, M., R. Furtas, M. Ambard, W. White, V. Lantz (2007). Socio-economic transition in the Foothills Model Forest: 1996 to 2001. Canadian Forest Service Information Report NOR-X-410. 33p.


Lantz, V. (2007). Establishing Payment Rates for Ecological Goods and Services Provided by Agricultural Producers in the Souris and Founds Watersheds, PEI. Research Report prepared for The Souris & Area Branch of the PEI Wildlife Federation, Souris, PEI.


Lantz, V., T. Beckley, S. Dalton, G. Fox, M. Klimas, S. Little, S. Merrill, and R. Trenholm (2007). Valuing the contribution of private woodlots to society: a focus on riparian areas in a New Brunswick watershed. Research Report prepared for the Fundy Model Forest and Canadian Model Forest Network, Sussex, NB.


Lantz, V., Trenholm, R., Wilson, J., Dalton, S., Richards, W., Clark, C., Prentice, J., Riley, M. (2006). Valuing Climate Change Impacts on Extreme Weather Events in Canadian Communities: A Toolkit. Research Report prepared for the Canadian Climate Impacts and Adaptation Program, Natural Resources Canada, Ottawa, ON.


Lantz, V., and G. Slaney (2005). An evaluation of environmental valuation databases around the world. Research Report prepared for Environment Canada, Hull, QU.


Lantz, V., and J. Wilson (2005). An economic impact analysis of timber supply changes in New Brunswick. Research Report prepared for Environment Canada, Hull, QU.


Lantz, V., and J. Wilson (2004). The economic impact of the Credit Union Sector in New Brunswick. Research Report prepared for Credit Union Central of New Brunswick, NB.


Lantz, V., and Smith, H. (2004). Assessing non-market values in the Fundy Model Forest. Research Report prepared for Fundy Model Forest, Sussex, NB.


Lantz, V. (2003). Atlantic dimensions of the Kyoto Protocol. In: The Kyoto Protocol and Environmental Policy in Atlantic Canada. Research Report prepared for the University of New Brunswick Center for Policy Studies, 22p.


Lantz, V., Smith, H., and M. Kennedy (2003). R&D in the New Brunswick Environment Industry. Research Report prepared for Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, Fredericton, NB.


Smith, H. and V. Lantz (2003). Measuring non-market values in the Fundy Model Forest: a survey of the literature. Research Report prepared for Fundy Model Forest, NB.


Yigezu, Y.A., and V. Lantz (2002). Predicting socio-economic impacts of market and policy change on forest-dependent communities: the case of Petitcodiac, NB. Research report prepared for the Fundy Model Forest, NB.


Lantz, V., Y.A. Yigezu, and J. Brander (2002). The economic impact of the University of New Brunswick. Research report prepared for the University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB.


Lantz, V., M. Hobbs, and D. MacFarlane (2001). Potential socio-economic Impacts of the Brown Spruce Longhorn Beetle. Research report prepared for the Canadian Food Inspection Agency and Canadian Forest Service, NB


Lantz, V., and K. DeWolfe (2001). The New Brunswick environment industry: trends and opportunities. Research report prepared for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, NB.



Conference, Workshop, and Seminar Presentations (selected):


Lantz, V. 2020. Lantz, V. (2020). Cost-benefit analysis of terraces in an eastern Canadian watershed: accounting for private and public values. PEI Living Labs Socio-economics Workshop. Virtual (July).


Lantz, V. (2019). Costs and Benefits of adapting to climate-induced drought and extreeme winds in New Brunswicks forests. Webinar hosted by Natural Resources Canada, Ottawa, ON (June).


Liu, E., V. Lantz, C. Hennigar, D. MacLean (2018). Potential economic impacts of SBW in New Brunswick, under EIS and reactive forest protection strategies. Presentation at the Healthy Forest Partnership Workshop, Canadian Forest Service, Fredericton, NB (March)


Lantz, V. (2017). Carbon pricing options for New Brunswick. Presentation at the New Brunswick Environment Network Smart Shift Summit, Moncton, NB. (March).


Lantz, V. (2017). Carbon pricing models and mechanisms. Presentation at the UNB Symposium on Carbon Pricing in New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB (Jan)


Lantz, V. (2014). Public benefits and private costs of protected natural areas. Presented at the New Brunswick Environment Network Conference, New Maryland, NB (March).


Lantz, V. (2014). Challenges in estimating economy-wide impacts of climate change on forests. Presentation given at the Climate Forest Integration Workshop, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB (Feb)


Lantz, V. (2013). Economic impacts of climate change considering individual, additive, and simultaneous changes in agriculture and forest sectors in Canada: A dynamic, multi-regional CGE model analysis. Paper presented at the Canadian Resource and Environmental Economics Study Group Conference, Brock University, St. Catherines, ON (Sept).


Lantz, V. (2013). ALUS Program Survey from the Farmers Perspective. Paper presented at the 32nd Annual PEI Soil & Crop Improvement Association Conference, Charlottetown, PE (Feb 26-27).


Lantz, V. (2013). Economic impacts of climate change: how much do the impacts cost? Presentation at the Preparing for Climate 2100: Tools and Strategies for NB Communities Conference, Natural Resources Canada, Fredericton, NB (Nov)


Lantz, V. (2013). Cost-benefit analysis of flow diversion terraces in the Black Brook watershed. Presentation given at the WEBS Atlantic Region Reporting Workshop, AAFC Potato Research Centre, Fredericton, NB (March).


Lantz, V. (2013). The economics of hybrid willow production: does it pay? Paper presented at the Exploring the Potential of Growing and Burning Willow On-farm Workshop, Agriculture and Agri-food Canada, Charlottetown, PE (Feb).


Lantz, V., and T. Ochuodho (2013). Potential economic impacts of climate change in Canada: CGE modeling with focus on forests & agricultura. Presentation given to Environment Canada, Hull, QU. (Jan).


Lantz, V. (2012). An Assessment of PEI Alternative Land Use Services (ALUS) Program, 2008-11. Paper presented at the Linking Environment and Agriculture Research Network Workshop, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB. (May)


Anderson, T., V. Lantz, W. Haider, R. Trenholm, M. McKendy, T. Beckley (2012). Public preferences and values for ecological goods and services in a northern New Brunswick watershed. Paper presented at the IUFRO 2012 Small-scale Forestry Conference, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA. (Sept).


Lantz, V. (2011). Paying farmers to protect the environment: lessons from PEI. Presentation given to the Department of Resource Economics & Environmental Sociology, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB. (August)


Lantz, V. (2011). Costs, benefits, and payments to farmers for ecological goods and services in PEI. Paper presented at Agriculture and Agrifood Canada Linking Environment and Agriculture Research Network Conference, Banff, Alberta (June).


Lantz, V. (2011). Update on socio-economic surveys to estimate costs and benefits of BMPs. Presentation given at Agriculture and Agrifood Canada WEBS Blackbrook Workshop, Grand Falls, NB. (March)


Lantz, V., G. Slaney (2009). Estimating the costs and benefits of riparian areas in a small New Brunswick watershed. Paper presentation at the Workshop on Environmental Goods and Services from Agroforestry, Quebec City, QU (March)


Lantz, V. (2008). Economic impacts of insect outbreaks and pest management on forest products and carbon value. Paper presented at the Sustainable Forest Management Network Workshop. Edmonton, AB (June)


Lantz, V., R. Martinez-Espineira (2008). Environmental Kuznets Curves for bird abundance in Canada: an examination of alternative regression models using panel data. Paper presented at the Canadian Economics Association Conference, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC (June)


Chang, W.Y, V. Lantz, D.A. MacLean, and K. Porter (2007). Public Attitudes about Forest Pest Outbreaks and Control Options in New Brunswick and Saskatchewan. Paper presented at the Acadian Forest Science Conference, Hugh John Flemming Forestry Centre, Fredericton, NB (Oct)


Lantz, V., M. Patriquin, R. Stedman, B. White (2007). Working Together: A Reciprocal Wood Flow Arrangement to Mitigate the Economic Impacts of the Mountain Pine Beetle in BC. Paper presented at the BC Forum on Forest Economics and Policy, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC (Feb)


Slaney, G.L, V.A Lantz, and D.A MacLean (2006). Expanding the spruce budworm decision support system to include aerial spray costs and carbon. Paper presented at the BIOCAP Canada Conference, Ottawa, ON (Oct).


Lantz, V. (2005). Socio-economic valuation in Private Woodlot Management. Paper presented at the Canadian Model Forest Network National Woodland Conference, Vernon, BC (Oct).


Smith, H., V. Lantz (2005). Examining public opinion on forest values and management. Paper presented at the Fundy Model Forest Project Forum, Hugh John Flemming Forestry Centre, Fredericton, NB (Feb)


Smith, H., V. Lantz (2004). Public values and forest management. Paper presented at the Fundy Model Forest Project Forum, Hugh John Flemming Forestry Centre, Fredericton, NB (Feb)


Lantz, V., D. Murrell (2004). The Climate Change Plan for Canada: A Full Cost-Benefit Framework for Evaluating Options. Paper presented at the Canadian Economics Association Conference, Ryerson University, Toronto, ON, 25p. (June)


Lantz, V., M. Kennedy. (2004). Examining the factors that affect employment in the Canadian forest industry. Paper presented at the International Conference on Economics of Sustainable Forest Management, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON (May)


Lantz, V., C. Feng (2003). Testing for the Environmental Kuznets Curve in Canadian carbon dioxide emissions. Paper presented at the Canadian Economics Association Conference, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, 22p. (June)


Lantz, V., D. Murrell (2003). Will Kyoto's Costs be Shared Evenly Across Canada? -- A Descriptive Analysis of Assumptions Underlying the Reference Policy Package in Climate Change Plan for Canada. Paper presented at the Canadian Economics Association Conference, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, 27p. (June)


Lantz, V. (2002). Examining the factors that affect clear-cutting in Canadian forests. Paper presented at the Eastern Canada-USA Forest Science Conference, University of Maine, Orono, ME (Oct)





Years supervised

Degree (status)


C. Sharma



PostDoc, UNB


Economic impacts of alternative energy futures in Atlantic Canada

R.J. McMonagle





Costs and benefits of adapting to climate-induced drought and wind regimes in NB forests

Eric Liu





Benefit-cost analysis of agricultural best management practices in a northern New Brunswick watershed.

Jessie Niyongabo





How can nations avoid the resource curse and build resilient institutions?

Eric Liu





Impacts of Crop Rotation and Tillage Practices on Potato Yield and Revenue in Northern New Brunswick, Canada

Jose Cubero Moya





Evaluation of the PEI Alternative Land-Use Services (ALUS) program

Nader Mirebrahimi





Testing the EKC hypothesis for Canadian CO2 emissions: a sector decomposition analysis

Toni Anderson





Valuing environmental goods and services provided by agricultural landowners

Thomas Ochoudho





Economic impacts of climate change in selected natural resource sectors across Canada: a CGE modeling approach.

Libby Johnston





Evaluation of PEIs alternative land-use services (ALUS) program

Wei-Yew Chang





Socio-economic analysis of forest pest outbreaks and control.

Louis Price





Public attitudes toward fire risk reduction policies in British Columbian cottage country

Yu Ren





Non-market benefits of forest conservation: a meta-analysis.

Ryan Trenholm





Valuing woodlot owner environmental services to society.

Jeff Wilson





A cost-benefit analysis of the protected areas system in NB.

Helen Smith





Assessing public values for New Brunswicks forests.

Greg Slaney





Benefits and costs of pest management investments: application to forested land-bases in NB and SK.

Mike Kennedy





Economic impacts of management strategies on Crown land in NB.

Min, Jie





Modeling the US demand for Canadian softwood lumber.

Crown Xu





A production structure analysis of NB forest product sectors

Christina Feng





Testing for an Environmental Kuznets Curve for CO2 in Canada.

Y.A. Yigezu





Assessing the importance of market and policy changes in a forest community: a CGE modeling approach.

Haozhen Zhang





Economic Impacts of Controlling Ground Level Ozone in Ontario.






PI or Co-investigator

Applicant(s) a

Title of Project and Funding Source/Program


- Lantz, V., P. Withey, et al.

- Ecological and economic impacts of climate change and adaptation in New Brunswick forests: a comparison of alternative modeling approaches. Climate Impact Research Fund, NBIF, Fredericton, NB.


- Lantz, V., P. Withey, et al.

- Economic and GHG emission impacts of NB energy and carbon pricing policies aimed at mitigating climate change. Environmental Trust Fund, NB Environment & Local Government, Fredericton, NB.


- Diduch, C., V. Lantz, et al.

- Economic and GHG impacts of alternative power generation in New Brunswick. Atlantic Digital Grids Project. Atlantic Innovation Fund. Federal Government, Ottawa, ON.


- McKenna, A., V. Lantz, et al.

- PEI Living Labs Project. Agriculture and Agrifood Canada, Ottawa, ON.


- Lantz, V., et al.

- Economic and GHG impacts of NB energy and carbon policies aimed at mitigating climate change. Environmental Trust Fund, NB Environment & Local Government, Fredericton, NB.


- Lantz, V., et al.

- Costs and benefits of adapting to climate-induced changes in drought and wind regimes in New Brunswick forests. Natural Resources Canada, Ottawa, NB.


- Lantz, V., et al.

- Role of forests in the New Brunswick carbon economy. Environmental Trust Fund, NB Environment and Local Government, Fredericton, NB.


- Dalton, S., Lantz, V.

- Communicating climate change: A jurisdictional scan of education, awareness, and resultant action related to climate change. Environmental Trust Fund, NB Environment and Local Government, Fredericton, NB.


- Withey, P., V. Lantz

- Estimating the market and non-market economic impacts of climate-change induced sea-level rise in Canada, SSHRC IDG, Ottawa, ON.


- MacLean, D., V. Lantz, et al.

- Early intervention strategies to suppress a spruce budworm outbreak, Atlantic Innovation Fund, Fredericton, NB.


- Li, Sheng, V. Lantz, et al.

- Integrating selected BMPs to maximize environmental/economic benefits at field/watershed scales for sustainable potato production in NB, Agriculture and Agri-food Canada, Ottawa, ON.


- Lantz, V.

- Economy-wide impacts of protected area establishment on forest and energy sector lands in the Lower Peace region of Alberta. Green Analytics, Edmonton, AB


- Lantz, V.

- Wetland restoration incentives: evaluation of landowner preferences in a Southern Ontario watershed. Credit Valley Conservation, Mississauga, ON.


- Lantz, V.

- Cost-benefit analysis of willow production as an on-farm source of renewable energy in PEI. Agriculture and Agri-food Canada, Ottawa, ON.


- Lantz, V.


- An assessment of PEIs Alternative Land Use Services (ALUS) program. Agriculture and Agri-food Canada, Ottawa, ON.


- Floyd, D., V. Lantz, et al.

- A collaborative research partnership for sustainable forest management. SSHRC Community-University Research Alliance Grant, Ottawa, ON.


- Lloyd-Smith, P., V. Lantz

- Nutrient Reduction Strategies for Wastewater Treatment Facilities for Lake Winnipeg. Environment Canada, Gatineau, QU.


- Chow, L., V. Lantz, et al.

- Impacts of soil conservation beneficial management practices on surface water and groundwater quality in the Black Brook and Little River watersheds in northwestern New Brunswick. Agriculture and Agri-food Canada, Ottawa, ON.


- Lantz, V. et al.

- Ecological goods and services: clarifying property rights, assessing costs and benefits, & proposing incentive structures in watersheds across Canada. SSHRC Standard Research Grant, Ottawa, ON.


- Lantz, V.

- Economic contributions of fishing camps along the Restigouche River in Eastern Canada, Restigouche River Camp Owners Association, Campbellton, NB.


- Lloyd-Smith, P., V. Lantz

- Costing climate impacts and adaptation: a Canadian study on the forest sector. National Roundtable on the Environment and the Economy, Ottawa, ON.


- Lantz, V.

- Estimating the impact of changes in timber supplies on the Canadian economy, Environment Canada. Gatineau, QU.


- Kennedy, M., and V. Lantz

- Valuing wetland ecosystem services in the Credit River Watershed, Ontario. Credit Valley Conservation, Mississauga, ON.


- Davies, D., D. MacLean, V. Lantz, et al.

- Integrated research, development and commercialization of biological forest pest control products and application technologies. Atlantic Innovation Fund, Fredericton, NB.


- Cheverie, F., V. Lantz, et al.

- PEI Ecological Goods & Services. Agriculture and Agri-food Canada, Ottawa, ON.


- MacLean, D., V. Lantz

- Pest management and economic impacts, SERG International.


- Kant, S., V. Lantz; et al.

- Economics of sustainable forest management. Sustainable Forest Management Network, Edmonton, AB.


- Lantz, V.

- Economic impacts of pine martin habitat protection in Newfoundland. Newfoundland Dept. of Natural Resources, NF.


- Lantz, V

- Economic impacts of climate change policies. Harrison McCain Young Scholar Award, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB.


- MacLean, D., V. Lantz, K. Porter

- Cost effectiveness of pest management investments: expanding PROPS to include costs, product value and carbon. SERG International.


- Lantz, V., T. Beckley, S. Dalton.

- Private Woodlot provision of Public Goods. Fundy Model Forest and Canadian Model Forest Network, Sussex, NB.


- Riley, M., V. Lantz, S. Dalton

- Costing the impacts of climate change in Atlantic Canada. Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Program, Ottawa, ON. and the NB Environmental Trust Fund, Fredericton, NB.


- Lantz, V., D. MacLean, B. Cooke.

- Role of pest management in sequestering carbon in the 2008-12 Kyoto Commitment Period: integration with CBM-CFS2 and economic analyses. Sustainable Forest Management Network, Edmonton, AB.


- Lantz, V.

- Evaluation of non-market valuation databases around the world. Environment Canada, Hull, QU.


- Lantz, V.

- Economy-wide impacts of changes to the annual allowable cut in New Brunswick. Environment Canada, Hull, QU.


- Robak, T., V. Lantz.

- Stumpage assessment in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Toronto, ON.


- Lantz, V.

- Review of non-market valuation literature for Environment Canada EVRI Database. Environment Canada, Hull, QU.


- Lantz, V.

- The economic impact of the Credit Union Sector in NB. Credit Union Central of NB, Sussex, NB.


- Lantz, V., S Nadeau.

- Measuring non-market values in the Fundy Model Forest. Fundy Model Forest, and Canadian Forest Service, Fredericton, NB.


- Lantz, V.

- R&D opportunities in the New Brunswick Environment Industry. Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, Fredericton, NB.


- Lantz, V., B. Brander.

- The economic impact of the University of New Brunswick. University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB.


- Lantz, V.

- Assessing the importance of market and policy changes in Forest communities. Fundy Model Forest, Sussex, NB.


- Lantz, V., D. MacFarlane

- Potential Socio-Economic Impacts of the Brown Spruce Longhorn Beetle. Canadian Food Inspection Agency and Canadian Forest Service, Fredericton, NB.


- Lantz, V.

- The New Brunswick Environment Industry: Trends and Opportunities. Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, Fredericton, NB.


a Principle investigator name is first. Co-investigator names are thereafter.



Applicant(s) a

Title of Project and Funding Source/Program


Needham, T. K. Percy, V. Lantz, et al.

-      - Mobilizing Two-Eyed Seeing to Investigate Socio-Economic Impacts of the Emerald Ash Borer on New Brunswick Mikmaq Communities. New Brunswick Innovation Fund, Fredericton, NB.


Percy, K, V. Lantz, et al.

-      - Indigenous Two-Eyed Seeing and Natural Resource Development in Atlantic Canada. NRCAN Innovation Fund Secretariat, Ottawa, ON.


Grey, M., V. Lantz, et al.

-      Watersheds and aquatics training in environmental research. NSERC CREATE (Collaborative Research and Training Experience) Program, Ottawa, ON.


- Fenech, A., V. Lantz, et al.

-      Adapting coastal infrastructure and property to climate change in the Atlantic Provinces, Natural Resources Canada, Ottawa, ON.


MacKay, J., V. Lantz, et al.

-      Spruce marker technologies for sustainable forestry. Genome Canada LSARPC Program, Ottawa, ON.


- Wilson, J., V. Lantz, et al.

-      The Economic Impacts of climate change on vulnerable communities, Insurance Bureau of Canada, Ottawa, ON.


a Principle investigator name is first. I am a collaborator on these projects.



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