De Baerdemacker

Everything quantum, a
quantum of everything

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quantum chemistry

Simply put, quantum chemistry is concerned with solving the fundamental Schroedinger equation of a molecule consisting of multiple charged nuclei and surrounding electrons which interact via the Coulomb potential.

I develop novel electronic structure methods that defy the exponential scaling of the Hilbert space, but still manage to accurately describe strongly correlated systems, as commonly seen in bond-breaking processes and magnetic systems.

I have made contributions in the recent renaissance of geminal wavefunctions, which can be regarded as a mean-field theory for electron-pairs rather than single electrons, tying in with the Lewis picture of chemical bonding. Opposed to Hartree-Fock theory, full-fledged geminal theory has #P complexity and is therefore intractable for larger systems. In our research, we are developing tractable geminal wavefunction, by borrowing ideas from integrability and coupled-cluster theory. Other methods of interest involve the variational optimization of the 2-body reduced density matrix and methods of symmetry breaking and restoration.

Joint work with: Paul W Ayers, Paul A Johnson, Kasia Boguslawski, Paweł Tecmer, Laurent Lemmens, Patrick Bultinck, Dimitri Van Neck & Diego Alcoba

Selected references

A large part of quantum chemistry is putting chemical descriptors, such as Lewis bonds, on solid quantum mechanical foundations. The purpose is twofold. It validates those descriptors that have been used for ages in chemistry, and provide possible new building blocks to construct electronic structure methods.

We are developing computational approaches and machine learning algorithms to extract chemical descriptors from exact quantum states at the full Configuration Interaction level.

Joint work with: Guillaume Acke, Niels Billiet, Patrick Bultinck, Farnaz Heidar-Zadeh

Selected references