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Kaitlyn Goldsmith

I graduated in April 2012 with a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) from the University of British Columbia  (UBC Vancouver). At UBC, I worked with Dr. Lori Brotto (UBC Obstetrics & Gynaecology) to investigate pregnancy experiences and outcomes for women with chronic genital pain. I also carried out my Honours thesis with Dr. Boris Gorzalka (UBC Psychology). My work with Dr. Gorzalka focused on the relationships between attachment style, sexual communication, and sexual satisfaction.

Since I began the Doctoral program in Clinical Psychology at UNB in September 2012, I have been working on three main projects under the supervision of Dr. Sandra Byers. The first is a qualitative investigation into the types of messages young adults receive from their partners about their appearance and how these messages impact how they feel about their bodies and their sexual lives. The goal of this research was to enhance our understanding of the specific types of messages that have the most powerful positive and negative effects on sexual confidence and well-being. We found that both the men and women reported receiving a variety of positive and negative verbal and nonverbal messages from partners. Some participants reported gender-specific messages, although these were not common. Participants also identified a number of ways in which these messages impacted their body image and their lives.

Stemming from this research, I had the opportunity to co-supervise an Honours student, Nicole Johnston, with Sandi. Her Honours project involved developing a questionnaire assessing partner feedback based on the results of our qualitative research in order to assess the impact of partner feedback on body image and sexual satisfaction.

 I also am investigating sexuality in long-distance relationships as my dissertation research. We know little about this topic despite the substantial impact that living in geographically distant locations is likely to have on the sexual aspect of a relationship. In this investigation, we are interested in the types of behaviours individuals in long-distance relationships use to maintain their sexual relationship with their partner. Additionally, we are interested in whether individuals in long-distance relationships experience reduced sexual satisfaction compared to individuals who live in close proximity to their partner.

In addition, in collaboration with Sandi and another of her doctoral students, Miranda Fudge, I am investigating sexing behavioursand attitudes in young Canadian adults.We are particularly interested in identifying predictors, including body image and genital self-image. Becca Jamieson 's Honours thesis is part of this study. 

Last year I enjoyed co-teaching an undergraduate course in the Psychology of Women. I have also enjoyed leading tutorials as a teaching assistant for Sandi’s undergraduate human sexuality class. This involved leading small group discussions about a variety of topics related to sexuality and helping students become more comfortable talking about sexuality. I have also had the opportunity to develop my clinical skills through coursework in adult and child assessment, child psychopathology, cognitive behaviour therapy, neuropsychological assessment, and sex therapy. Additionally, I have completed practicum placements at a public mental health care setting in Vancouver, Student Counselling Services at UNB, and the Stan Cassidy Centre for Rehabilitation in Fredericton. This year, I look forward to continuing my research and gaining more clinical experience.

Here are my publications:

Goldsmith, K. M., Dunkley, C. R., Dang, S., & Gorzalka, B. B. (in press). Sexuality and romantic relationships: Investigating the relation between attachment style and sexual satisfaction. Sexual and Relationship Therapy.

Dunkley, C. R., Goldsmith, K. M., & Gorzalka, B. B. (2015). The potential role of mindfulness in sexual insecurities. The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, 24, 92-103.

Here are my conference presentations:

Goldsmith, K. M., & Byers, E. S. (2015, November).  Sexuality of women in long-distance and geographically close relationships. Poster presented at the meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, Albuquerque, NM. 

Byers, E. S., Goldsmith, K. M., & Miller, A. (2015, October). If given the choice, would you choose to be a man or a woman? Paper presented at the meeting of the Canadian Sex Research Forum, Kelowna, B.C.

Goldsmith, K. M, & Byers, E. S. (2015, October). Does absence make the sex grow hoter? Sexual satisfaction in long-distance relationships. Paper presented at the meeting of the Canadian Sex Research Forum, Kelowna, B.C.

Goldsmith, K. M., & Byers, E. S. (2015, June). Sexual maintenance behaviours: Enhancing our understanding of contributors to women's sexual satisfaction. Poster presented at the meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Ottawa, ON.

Dunkley, C. R., Goldsmith, K. M., & Gorzalka, B. B. (2014, October). The protective role of mindfulness in sexual insecurities. Poster presented at the meeting of theCanadian Sex Research Forum, Kingston, ON.

Goldsmith, K. M., Byers, E. S., & Johnston, N. E. (2014, October). Body image, sexual satisfaction, and the impact of partner messages on women. Poster presented at the meeting of the Canadian Sex Research Forum, Kingston, ON.

Goldsmith, K. M., & Byers, E. S. (2014, June). "You look so sexy!": A qualitative exploration of the nature and impact of body feedback from romantic partners. Poster presented at the meeting of the International Academy of Sex Research, Dubrovnik.

Goldsmith, K. M., Dunkley, C. R., & Gorzalka, B. B. (2013, November). The protective role of mindfulness in sexual insecurities. Poster presented at the Society forf the Scientific Study of Sexuality, San Diego.

Goldsmith, K. M., & Byers, E. S. (2013, October). Sex, relationships, and body image: Exploring the impact of messages from romantic partners. Poster presented at the Canadian Sex Research Forum, Charlottetown.

Goldsmith, K. M., Dunkley, C. R., Chang, S., & Gorzalka, B. B. (2012, September). Attachment style and female sexuality: Investigating the role of sexual satisfaction, sexual communication and gender role ideology. Poster presented at the meeting of the Canadian Sex Research Forum, Ottawa, Ontario.

Goldsmith, K. M., Dunkley, C. R., Chang, S., & Gorzalka, B. B. (2012, July). Attachment style and female sexuality: Investigating the role of sexual satisfaction, sexual communication and gender role ideology. Poster presented at the meeting of the International Academy of Sex Research, Lisbon, Portugal.

Smith, K. B., Brotto, L. A., Sadownik, L., Basson, R., & Goldsmith, K. M. (2012, March). A review of pregnancy and childbirth outcomes in vulvodynia. Poster presented at The Society for Sex Therapy and Research (SSTAR), Chicago, IL.

Kaitlyn Goldsmith

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