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Our Algal Culture Collection:


The green volvocalean guys - for more info go to our Volvocales Information Project

bullet Chlamydomonas reinhardtii:
bulletUTEX 89 & 90,
bullet CC 124 (mt- 137c) & CC125 (mt+ 137c)
bullet CC-2454 nit1-305 cw15 mt- (wall-less mutant)
bulletChlamydomonas moewusii UTEX 9
bulletVitreochlamys aulata UTEX LB 2610
bulletGonium pectorale UTEX LB 826
bulletGonium sp (isolate from Argentina)
bulletTetrabaena socialis var. socialis UTEX 197
bulletEudorina elegans  UTEX 1201
bulletEudorina sp (isolate from Argentina)
bulletPandorina charkowiensis UTEX LB 840      
bulletPandorina morum UTEX LB 863 
bulletPandorina sp (isolate from Argentina)
bulletPlatydorina caudate UTEX LB 1658                    
bulletPleodorina californica UTEX LB 809                              
bulletVolvulina pringsheimii UTEX LB 1021
bullet Volvox carteri f. nagariensis
bulletEve (isolate from Starr's HK10); female
bullet UTEX 1885 (HK10); female
bullet UTEX 1886 (Starr's 69-1b male recombinant of UTEX 1885 x HK9); male
bulletsomatic regenerator mutants:
bulletregA (bleomycin-induced; deletion in the SAND domain); female
bulletregA sex; female
bulletregAMN (spontaneous mutant on Eve background; isolated by Aurora M. Nedelcu); female
bulletlag/reg (spontaneous mutant on Lag mutant; isolated by Cristian Solari); female
bullet UTEX 1877 (recombinant from UTEX 1978 x UTEX 1886); male
bulletgonidialess mutants::
bulletglsA/regA (isoated by Tam and Kirk)
bulletglsAMN/regA (isolated by Aurora Nedelcu on UTEX 1877 background)
bulletlate gonidia mutants:
bulletlag/regA (isolated by Cristian Solari on a regA background)     
bulletdissociator mutants:
bullet UTEX 2908                                                         

Volvox carteri f. weismannia

UTEX 1875; male


UTEX 1876; female

bulletVolvox tertius UTEX 132
bullet Volvox obversus UTEX 1865 (dioecious male)
bullet Volvox rousseletii UTEX 1861 (heterothallic, dioecious male)
bulletVolvox aureus UTEX 106
bulletVolvox powersii UTEX 1863
bulletVolvox spermatopsphaera UTEX LB 2273 (homothallic, dioecious with dwarf males)
bulletVolvox barberi
bulletVolvox capensis 40225-VG-17
bulletVolvox sp (isolate from Argentina)
bulletVolvox sp (isolate from Arizona)

The colorless (formerly green)  guys

bulletPolytomella agilis UTEX 963
bulletPolytoma uvella UTEX 964  

Other chlorophyceans

bulletScenedesmus obliquus UTEX 78


The chloroccocaleans

bulletChlorella vulgaris
bullet(UTEX 26
bulletUTEX 259)


bulletGleotilopsis planctonica
bulletGleotilopsis sterilis UTEX1704

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This site was last updated 05/17/11