
March 8th, 2001 / 8 mars 2001

Editorial / Éditorial
Research / Recherche
Activities / Activités


Welcome to PAR-L's second electronic research news bulletin. We post News/Niouzes as an e-mail message to members of the PAR-L discussion list and also as an online periodical on our Web site at at least twice a year. Our goal is to bring you brief notices of recent publications and reminders of upcoming conferences and events of interest to feminists across Canada.

We do not have the resources to make every news item available in both French and English, so we post the research summaries in whichever official language(s) the information comes to the Editors, English and/or French.

Your suggestions and feedback are most welcome. You can reach us, as always, at (that is the first four letters of "moderators") with your Niouzes items and your feedback. If you prefer, you may fax this information to Michèle Ollivier at (819) 770-4486 or to Wendy Robbins at (506) 453-5069. If you want to talk to us, you can reach Michèle in Ottawa at (613) 562-5800, ext. 1383 and Wendy in Fredericton at (506) 458-7411.

The Editorial team members are:
Wendy Robbins, Michèle Ollivier, Jennifer Brayton, Julie Guénette, Robin Sutherland, and Nicole Bellefleur.

Voici le deuxième bulletin électronique de nouvelles sur la recherche de PAR-L. Nous distribuons Niouzes par courriel aux membres de la liste PAR-L et l'affichons sur notre site Web à au moins deux fois par année. Le bulletin comprend des résumés de récentes publications ainsi que des annonces sur les conférences et événements intéressant les féministes partout au Canada.

Nous ne possédons pas les ressources nous permettant de fournir toutes les nouvelles dans les deux langues officielles. Nous affichons donc les abrégés de recherche dans la langue véhiculant l'information aux modératrices, soit en français ou en anglais.

Vos suggestions et vos commentaires sont toujours appréciés. Vous pouvez comme d'habitude nous rejoindre à (soit les quatre premières lettres de « modératrices ») et nous faire parvenir vos contributions à Niouzes et vos commentaires. Vous pouvez transmettre cette information par télécopieur à Michèle Ollivier au (819) 770-4486 ou à Wendy Robbins au (506) 453-5069. Vous pouvez aussi nous téléphoner : Michèle Ollivier au (613) 562-5800, poste 1383 et Wendy Robbins au (506) 458-7411.

Les membres du comité éditorial sont les suivantes :
Wendy Robbins, Michèle Ollivier, Jennifer Brayton, Julie Guénette, Robin Sutherland, et Nicole Bellefleur.


Here is a list of the most recent publications (September to December 2000) of the organizations designated as PAR-L's official partners under SSHRC. We trust that the information is accurate and complete. We welcome any corrections or additions, which we will publish in our next issue of PAR-L News/Niouzes.

Voici une liste des plus récentes publications (septembre à décembre 2000) des groupes et associations qui sont officiellement considérés comme partenaires du réseau PAR-L selon le CRSH. Nous espérons que ces informations sont exactes et complètes. Il nous fera plaisir d'inclure vos corrections ou additions dans le prochain numéro de News/Niouzes.

Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women (CRIAW)/
Institut canadien de recherches sur les femmes (ICREF)

CRIAW's most recent newsletter was distributed at the end of October, 2000. This newsletter is available to all CRIAW members. For more information, please visit CRIAW's web site at:

New research initiatives include CRIAW's "Bank of Researchers," which will soon be available on-line, and fact sheets on "Women and Health," which will be released this Spring 2001 with two publications.

Canadian Women's Studies Association (CWSA)/
Association canadienne des études sur les femmes (ACEF)

The CWSA released an "Activities and Plans" update bulletin February 1, 2001, which enumerates the various research activities and initiatives currently underway. This bulletin can be accessed at:

Recent publications by CWSA members include:
Bourne, Paula and Dorothy Smith, Gender Equity and the Professional Education of Teachers: A Critical Review, Toronto: Centre for Women's Studies in Education, OISE/University of Toronto, 36pp. $5 plus $2 for postage and handling. To order, contact Caralee Price, CWSE, OISE/UT, 252 Bloor St. W. Toronto, ON M5P 1H4.

This report documents the results of a Canada-wide study of faculties of education to find out how well teacher education programs prepare students to deliver gender-equitable schooling. The report identifies the obstacles and barriers that work against the achievement of effective gender equity training, highlights exemplary practices, and provides recommendations aimed at improving teacher education programs.

Botting, Ingrid (with support from Barbara Neis, Linda Kealey and Shirley Solberg), Health Care Restructuring and Privatization from Women's Perspective in Newfoundland and Labrador, St. John's, NF: July 2000. The report was produced with assistance from the National Network on Environments and Women's Health, York University, the Women's Health Bureau Health Canada.

Cote, Denyse, La garde partagée: l'équité en question, Montréal, Editions du remue-menage, 2000. Ce livre aborde les nouvelles modalites de partage de la garde parentale après la séparation, en particulier la garde physique partagée.

Tahon, Marie Blanche et Denyse Coté, Famille et fragmentation, Ottawa, Presses de l'Université d'Ottawa, 2000. Cette collection d'articles aborde differents aspects de la fragmentation familial contemporaine.

Gallagher, K. (2000) Drama Education in the Lives of Girls: Imagining Possibilities. Toronto; London; Buffalo: University of Toronto Press. Based on author's study of Catholic Public Single-sex schooling for girls and drama education.

Gallagher, K. The Everyday Classroom as Problematic: A Feminist Pedagogy in Curriculum Inquiry 30 (1): 71-81 Spring 2000.

Gallagher, K. Interrupting 'Truths,' Engaging Perspectives, and Enlarging the Concept of 'Human' in Classroom Drama in Youth Theatre Journal. University of Arizona. 14 (1) Spring 2000. (Also based on single-sex study.)

Tancred, Peta and Annemarie Adams, Designing Women: Gender and the Architectural Profession. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2000. This national study of women in architecture underlines the key role that women have played in advancing and extending the profession.

Canadian Women's Health Network (CWHN)/
Réseau canadien pour la santé des femmes (RCSF)

The Fall 2000 issue of Network magazine (Volume 3, Number 4) is now available online. Feature articles include: "10 Things You Can Do To End Violence Against Women," "Domestic Violence in LGBT Communities," "Quebec's Screening Program: Ethnocultural Communities, and Breast Cancer Genes."

The Winter 2001 issue (Volume 4, Number 1) is now available online at: Feature articles of the Winter issue include: "Spiritual Healing from Sexual Abuse," and "Postpartum Depression Facts."

To subscribe, or to receive a one time free copy of Network magazine, send your mailing address and name to

New research reports / Nouveaux rapports de recherche :
Evaluation Report of the Sheway project for High Risk Pregnant and Parenting Women
By Nancy Poole; BC Centre of Excellence for Women's Health.
Evaluates the Sheway Project, a unique outreach program located in the Downtown Eastside of Vancouver, providing holistic services to pregnant women with substance use problems, and support to mothers and their families until their children are 18 months of age. The report documents the success of the project in engaging women in accessing pre- and postnatal care, in making improvements in their housing and nutritional status, and in retaining custody of their children.

Home Care and Policy: Bringing Gender into Focus.
By the Maritime Centre of Excellence for Women's Health.
Discusses several home care issues and argues that demographic, social, and economic differences between women and men must be taken into consideration when developing home care policy.

Women's Health in Atlantic Canada: A Statistical Portrait.
By Ron Colman; Maritime Centre of Excellence for Women's Health.
This report to the Atlantic Region Policy Forum on Women's Health and Well Being illustrates the utility of a health determinants approach, both for improving population health and women's health and for reducing long-term care costs.

The Health Benefits of Physical Activity for Girls and Women.
By Colleen Reid; Lesley Dyck; Healther McKay; Wendy Frisby.
Reviews current research related to the physical activity and health of women and girls. Tackles the complex relationship between health and physical activity in the context of girls and women's lives through a multidisciplinary and holistic approach. Identifies future research strategies and policy implications to support and improve the health of women and girls.

Action Plan for Women's Health in Manitoba and Saskatchewan.
By the Prairie Women's Health Centre of Excellence.
A report resulting from the contribution of many women from across the prairies and across the country who attended the "Our Health in Our Hands" conference held by the PWHCE in October 2000. Uses current literature and research, and women's voices, to provide direction to government and community policy makers on women's health in Manitoba and Saskatchewan. It is intended to be a source document which can be used to stimulate discussion and provide an agenda for change, both for advocates for women's health and for decision-makers at the provincial, regional, or district levels.

Centres of Excellence for Women's Health Research Bulletin (1.1 Fall 2000)
Presents the studies conducted by the Centres on four broad categories: Gender as a critical analytic lens; How paid and unpaid work affect the health of both women and men; Health service utilization; and Health care reform derived from studies on home care and health planning.

Documenting Visibility: Selected Bibliography on Lesbian and Bisexual Women's Health.
By Jacqueline Luce, Janet Neely, Teresa Lee, Ann Pederson.
A collection of information on lesbian and bisexual women's health that brings forward a need for a lesbian health research agenda in Canada.

Centre de documentation sur l'éducation des adultes et la condition féminine (CDÉACF)

Nouvelles publications en ligne sur Netfemmes:
Répertoire des outils de formation et de sensibilisation en violence faite aux femmes sur l'île de Montréal.
Réalisé dans le cadre du projet « Sensibilisation, formation et soutien des intervenantes et intervenants des divers milieux », le répertoire recense 92 formations, trousses de sensibilisation, rapports d'enquête et d'analyse, recueils de textes, actes de séminaire, etc. Ces outils s'adressent autant aux intervenantes, aux militantes qu'au personnel médical, judiciaire et gouvernemental concernées par la violence faite aux femmes. La version imprimée de ce document gratuit est distribué par Relais-Femmes; pour commander contactez Relais-Femmes, 110, rue Ste-Thérèse, bureau 30, Montréal (Québec) H2Y 1E6, Courriel: La version électronique, réalisée par le CDÉACF, est disponible à l'adresse suivante:

Agressions sexuelles et drogues du viol: un phénomène méconnu
Bernèche, Francine; Bouffard, Mireille; Lacroix, Louise ... [et al.]. Montréal : Comité Femmes et sécurité de la Petite-Patrie, 2000. Un document d'information sur un phénomène méconnu: agressions sexuelles et drogues du viol. S'adressant tout d'abord aux intervenantes auprès des femmes et des jeunes, ce document peut aussi intéresser toute personne cherchant à s'informer sur cette problématique. Tour d'horizon sur les substances en cause, les questions que cette problématique soulève, les démarches et recours possibles ainsi que les recommandations du Comité. La version imprimée de ce document gratuit est distribué par le Comité femmes et sécurité Petite Patrie, 6020 ave Christophe-Colomb, Montréal, H2S 2G2 ou par télécopieur au (514) 277-9359. La version électronique est publiée sur le site NetFemmes. Résumé (en HTML) Version complète (55 pages, format PDF)

Appel de soumissions : meilleures pratiques en matière de femmes et médias
Dans différentes régions du monde, des femmes emploient différentes stratégies médiatiques : la radio communautaire pour diffuser l'information au plus grand nombre, surtout dans des pays ou le taux d'analphabétisme est élevé; du théâtre de rue pour braquer les projecteurs sur l'injustice; les nouvelles technologies pour informer et mobiliser; des campagnes de sensibilisation ou des programmes de surveillance médiatique pour faire un portrait plus juste et moins stéréotypé des femmes. Une recherche coordonnée par le CDÉACF pour le compte de WomenAction se penche actuellement sur la situation des femmes et les médias à travers le monde.

En ce moment le CDÉACF et ses collaboratrices dans chaque grande région du monde (Afrique, Europe/Amérique du Nord, Amérique Latine, Asie, Moyen-Orient) sondent les groupes du monde entier pour connaître les bonnes pratiques et les stratégies gagnantes des femmes en matière de médias. Un questionnaire qui circule en anglais, français, espagnol et arabe nous permettra de documenter ces pratiques et d'en publier une sélection. Pour plus d'informations sur le projet ou pour une copie du questionnaire, contactez la coordonnatrice du projet, Sharon Hackett ( ou rendez-vous sur le site NetFemmes:

Pour d'autres actualités, appels à l'action, événements et informations, voir «Quoi de neuf sur netfemmes?»,

National Association of Women and the Law (NAWL)/
Association nationale de la femme et du droit (ANFD)

NAWL's on-line newsletter, Jurisfemme (Volume 19, no 2 - Winter 2000), is now available online at: Feature articles in this issue include: "The Importance of Respecting the Substantive Equality Rights of Lesbians," "Donating Stocks to The NAWL Trust,""25th Anniversary Profile: Carole Curtis," "New Brunswick (Minister of Health and Community Services) v. G. (J.), [1999] S.C.J. No. 47 (QL) - Case comment," "CHRA Review Panel About to Submit Report," "Speaking your mother tongue: language as a women's issue," "Budget 2000: Entering a New Millennium?" "The NAWL Alternative," "Protecting Women's Equality Rights: Refugee Determination, "News from the Nova Scotia Caucus: The Frances Fish Award for Women Lawyers," "NAWL share communications skills with women in China," "NAWL's 13th Biennial Conference."


There have been major revisions to both the French and English sides of the PAR-L web site. Please check out the site at:

Feminist Stratégies féministes is now available on-line through the PAR-L web site.

Des changements majeurs ont été apportés au site Web de PAR-L à :

La revue bilingue Feminist Stratégies féministes est maintenant disponible en ligne à partir du site Web de PAR-L.


Women'space Summer 2000 (Volume 5 Number 1) is now available online at: Feature articles of this issue include: "DESIGNS that DON'T WORK: Tangles on the World Wide Web," "Safety Issues on the Net," "Cyberfeminism," "Nancy Drew and the Case of the Disappearing Feminist," "Networking Works OR ... How a little Net goes a long way," "Privacy on the Internet: An Impossible Dream?"

If you would like to consider writing for Women'space, please e-mail your questions or inquiries to: Of particular interest are articles that share Internet experiences and resources, or explore ways in which the Internet can be used for women's activism. Articles should be approximately 1,000 to 1,500 words in length.


Bridging Gender Divides Conference
March 25-26, 2001
Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S.A.
More Information:

The 27th Annual Symposium "Technology and Development in Africa"
April 25th-28th, 2001
Center for African Studies and College of Engineering,University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
More Information:

Perspectives on Violence Against Women in Relationships: Culture, Inequality, and Difference
May 3-6, 2001
Held jointly with The American Ethnological Society & The Society for Cultural Anthropology
McGill University, Montreal, Canada
More information: CASCA

International Conference on Refugee Women Fleeing Gender Based Persecution
May 4-6, 2001
Hosted by the Canadian Council for Refugees
Montreal, Canada
More information:

« Stratégies pour la promotion de la santé des femmes » : la 9e Rencontre internationale des femmes et de la santé
13-18 mai, 2001
Toronto, ON, Canada
Pour de plus amples informations:

Canadian Women's Studies Association Conference
May 25-27, 2001
Université de Laval, Quebec City, QC
More Information:

Symposia: The Roles of Women Intellectuals in Society: Paid, Unpaid, and Underpaid
Part of the 2001 Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities
May 28, 2001
Université de Laval, Quebec City, QC
More Information (e-mail): Dr. Wendy Robbins, HSSFC Vice-president, Women's Issues

Autonomie et diffusion de l’information sur Internet, CDÉACF
Dans le cadre de son projet «Autonomie et diffusion de l'information sur Internet», le CDÉACF réalise actuellement une tournée de formation pour apprendre aux travailleuses, pigistes et bénévoles des groupes de femmes à planifier, réaliser et publier leur site Web. En plus des formations en laboratoire informatique, l'apprentissage continue par le biais du réseau NetFemmes. Une nouvelle section «Outils de la cybermilitante» offre aux femmes l'accès à des logiciels gratuits, des guides et des ressources en ligne, ainsi qu'à la liste, où l'on «parle techno, entre femmes et en français». Pour plus d'informations sur les prochaines sessions et sur le projet lui-même, rendez-vous sur

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