======================================================================================= UNB_TopoDens_2v02 Read Me File ======================================================================================= Overview: UNB_TopoDensT_2v01 provides topographical density at three different grid spacings: 1 arc-degree, 5 arc-minutes, and 30 arc-seconds. The grid spacing is denoted by the pre-fix to the file (1d, 5m, 30s) and the value is assigned to the cell center. There are also associated standard deviations at the same grid spacing, these files are denoted by "STD" in the name of the file. For more information on the creation of the UNB_TopoDens models, see associated article "Formulation and Validation of a Global Laterally Varying Topographical Density Model". M.B. Sheng, Shaw, C., Vanicek, P., Kingdon, R.W., Santos, M., Foroughi, I. Corresponding Author: m.sheng@unb.ca ======================================================================================= Version History: 1v00 - Initial raw product 1v01 - Refinements over Antarctica and various ice and water covered regions. - Cleaned up file structure for GMT products 2v00 - Published Models updated with density values from the PETLAB database 2v01 - Published models with minor changes to density values for ice/glaciers - New values for areas initially classified as "No-Data" 2v02 - Several interpolation problems identified in Antarctica were solved - Updated standard deviation grids over Antarctica - Special thanks to Dr. Mehdi Goli for his help in identifying these errors ======================================================================================= Extracting Lat/Long/Dens From Binary Format UNB_TopoDens models are provided in *.grd file format which is the native binary file structure utilized by the Generic Mapping Tools software (GMT). In order to transform these into *.txt files with a [latitude, longitude, density] format the following GMT command should be used: For the 30s files: gmt grd2xyz 30s_UNB_TopoDens_2v02.grd -: > 30s_UNB_TopoDens_2v02.txt gmt grd2xyz 30s_UNB_TopoDens_STD_2v02.grd -: > 30s_UNB_TopoDens_STD_2v02.txt Likewise for the 5m and 1d files: gmt grd2xyz 5m_UNB_TopoDens_2v02.grd -: > 5m_UNB_TopoDens_2v02.txt gmt grd2xyz 5m_UNB_TopoDens_STD_2v02.grd -: > 5m_UNB_TopoDens_STD_2v02.txt gmt grd2xyz 1d_UNB_TopoDens_2v02.grd -: > 1d_UNB_TopoDens_2v02.txt gmt grd2xyz 1d_UNB_TopoDens_STD_2v02.grd -: > 1d_UNB_TopoDens_STD_2v02.txt **Please note that the GMT conversion changes the precision level of the output file; all density values are only accurate to the 4th decimal place and output files should be rounded to this level for optimal usage.** ======================================================================================= Creating a new Sub-region Because of the size of the "unpacked" 30s density and standard deviation files, it may be useful to extract only a sub-region of the global file before unpacking it into a text file. In order to do this, the following GMT command should be used: gmt grdcut 30s_UNB_TopoDensT_2v02.grd -GOUTPUTFILENAME.grd -RMIN_LONG/MAX_LONG/MIN_LAT/MAX_LAT Example: In order to extract values only over Canada ([30,85] Latitude [215,310] Longitude) the following command would be used: gmt grdcut 30s_UNB_TopoDens_2v02.grd -G30s_UNB_TopoDens_2v02_Canada.grd -R215/310/30/85 The output file 30s_UNB_TopoDens_2v02_Canada.grd can then be unpacked using the command found in the previous section.