University of New BrunswickGeodesy and Geomatics Engineering

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Sub-Commission 4.3
Scientific Working Groups:
NWP for Positioning

GRL Publications & Presentations



Vaníček P., Zhang C., and L.E. Sjöberg (1992)
Comparison of Stokes's and Hotine's approaches to geoid computation. Manuscripta Geodaetica, 17 (1), pp. 29-35.

Vajda, P. P.Ong, M.C.Santos, P. Vaníček and M.R.Craymer (1992)
Comparison of geoidal deflections computed from UNB'91 geoid with observed astro-deflections. AGU/CGU/MSA joint spring meeting, Montreal, May 12-14, 1992.

Ong, P. and P. Vaníček (1992)
An investigation into the datum independence problem in robustness analysis. AGU/CGU/MSA joint spring meeting, Montreal, May 12-14, 1992.

Craymer,M.R., S.Blackie, P. Vaníček, E.J.Krakiwsky and D.Szabo (1992)
Robustness analysis of geodetic networks. AGU/CGU/MSA joint spring meeting, Montreal, May 12-14, 1992.

Sideris, M.G., P. Vaníček and A Mainville (1992)
The Canadian Geoid Committee and the geoid in Canada. AGU/CGU/MSA joint spring meeting, Montreal, May 12-14, 1992.