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Teri McLean

Honours Thesis: 1997

Occupation: Laboratory technician in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, until 2003. Deceased in 2003.

Thesis: Variations in phosphorus, nitrogen and carbon contents in lateral and apical tips of the brown alga Ascophyllum nodosum (L.) Le Jolis from the Bay of Fundy, Canada

Teri McLean's Photograph Teri McLean at a field site in the Bay of Fundy, Canada (photo: Thierry Chopin).

Abstract: Tissue nutrient contents (phosphorus, carbon and nitrogen) in the brown alga Ascophyllum nodosum from Letite, in the Bay of Fundy, Canada, varied significantly according to month (August to October, 1996), age class (n to n+12), and tip position (apical/lateral). For phosphorus, the only two-way ANOVA interaction was between month and age class. For nitrogen and carbon, all two-way ANOVA interactions were significant.

There were gradients of nutrient contents along lateral positions: in September and October, tissue total N content increased with increasing lateral position. There were also gradients of nutrient contents along lateral positions and age class: tissue total N content decreased with increasing lateral position except in the n+4 and n+10 age classes, and tissue total C content increased with increasing lateral position except in the n+10 age class.